Warner Bros.’ “Contagion” Finally Goes Viral Dan Koelsch, September 1, 2011September 1, 2011 Just when we thought that Steven Soderbergh’s Contagion missed a great viral opportunity (pun intended), it turns out Warner Bros. and Participant Media had just decided to go a different route. They instead used the Participant Media-owned Take Part website to create an interactive experience for fans. Get the details after the break. The studios behind the film created a Social Action Campaign “with the goal of raising awareness through popular entertainment.” Check out the site TakePart.com/Contagion to see the following features.Interactive “Health Map” : a view of virus outbreaks around the world and near YOU, in REAL-TIMEPandemic Infographics : a visual showcase of five pandemics (H1N1, Cholera, Smallpox, HIV/AIDS, Spanish Flu) that changed the worldVirus Hunters : exclusive video interviews with experts who study the infectious agents that could lead to future pandemicsPandemic Games : fast facts, quizzes and a Facebook game about how easily viruses can be spread, pandemic prevention, preparedness, response, resources, curing and containing, eradication and spread. Contagion, written by Scott Z. Burns and starring Matt Damon, Kate Winslet, and Jude Law, is an action-thriller centered on the threat posed by a deadly disease and an international team of doctors contracted by the CDC to deal with the outbreak. The films opens September 9th and you can follow on Facebook. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Contagion
Pixar Announces Easter Egg Hunt On Disney Movies Anywhere Streaming Site April 16, 2014Pixar has a habit of hiding nifty little Easter Eggs in each of their films. Whether its nods to the classroom A113 or the Luxo Ball, or a tease of what’s to come, you’re more then likely to find some sort of Pixar related reference in each of these films…. Read More
LOST: Fan Made Finale Trailer, Cool Shirts and Posters, Lost Live, and More LOL Captions May 15, 2010May 15, 2010Everyone is excited for the series finale of ABC’s LOST, which is now just over a week away (the finale is airing on Sunday May 23rd to accommodate its extension to 2 1/2 hours). With that, we a great fan-made series finale trailer recommended by LOST showrunner Damon Lindelof himself,… Read More
2014 Best Picture Nominee Posters In Lego Form February 13, 2014February 13, 2014American commercials may not be as adept to getting A-list stars to appear on their commercials like international commercials do – have you seen what they did for The Lego Movie-, but they sure know how to spark some interest through satirizing or parody. Now the film may not be… Read More