The Full Version of “The Inside Experience” Debuts Online To Mixed Reviews

If you’ve followed our coverage of The Inside Experience, then this is the moment you have been waiting for. All the episodes and online components to the “First Interactive Social Horror Film Experience” have been put together into one film, but are fans satisfied? Watch it for yourself after the break and let us know what you think.

The film is getting mixed reviews from fans, mostly because it doesn’t add anything to what we’ve already seen. As many of the comments suggest, the film is just the episodes we’ve already watched strung together with the Facebook and YouTube elements that helped move the plot along. While this usually wouldn’t be that bad (it’s a great way to put everything together into one video for those who didn’t play or want to remember), many of us who followed the events feel cheated since nothing new was revealed. The episodes and gameplay (which was across multiple Facebook pages and other social media websites) failed to answer many essential questions we had, including the primary subject manner: who kidnapped Christina (played by Emmy Rossum) and why?

Whether you followed the ARG or not, let us know what you think of the finished product in the comments below!

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