“The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” Viral Leaks Footage and New Site Michael Lee, October 20, 2011October 20, 2011 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo has some very exciting new viral activity and it requires some sharp eyes or knowledge of the source material. For those who are unfamiliar with the story disgraced publisher Steig Larsson (Daniel Craig) has been hired by Henrik Vanger, the former CEO of Vanger Enterprises, which he accepts — unaware that Vanger commissioned an investigation into Blomkvist’s personal and professional history carried out by private investigator Lisbeth Salander (Rooney Mara). In the latest mouth-taped-shut.com update, viewers can see a Super 8 style shot video, where the filmer is driving down a bridge and if you notice the following license plate you will see that it spells “glance” backwards. In addition you will notice a WIHIS tage, which stands for whatishiddeninsnow.com. The site will take you to a grid like website. What the grid means still remains a mystery. Viral Marketing Daniel CraigDavid FincherMouth-Taped-Shut.comThe Girl with the Dragon Tattoowhatishiddeninsnow
(Finally!) A Viral from a Galaxy Far, Far, Away September 6, 2009September 6, 2009As a huge Star Wars fan, I was thrilled to see an interview pop on Wired.com where writer John Scott Lewinski interviewed a member of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars universe. Not series director Dave Filoni or a member of the voice cast mind you, but one of the… Read More
“Ender’s Game” Website Features Social Media Links April 20, 2013Briefly: Lionsgate’s Ender’s Game, based on the acclaimed novel of the same name, is a sci-fi film set in a future where children are being trained to fight against an alien attack. The film’s official website is titled if-sentinel.com, with IF standing for International Fleet. It’s pretty much just a… Read More
Viral Marketing Viral Marketing: The beginning August 24, 2009September 23, 2024As this is my first article for MovieViral, I thought that I would introduce myself and explain why I love the subtle marketing campaign that is viral. For me, the definition of viral marketing is an advertising campaign that introduces an idea of what a film (or product) is about… Read More