Newest Muppets Trailer Takes Over Bollywood Michael Lee, November 11, 2011November 11, 2011 Just when you thought it was all over, The Muppets continue to surprise us with yet another parody trailer. But rather than satirize a specific movie they are going back to where it all started, by poking fun at a genre. This time The Muppets are going global with this one. Hit the jump to check out the newest Muppets trailer. Bollywood style.Just as our very own Kristopher Stoltz said about these Muppet trailers, “When it comes to muppets, it’s never over.” I rather like this Bollywood style cut Trailer, according to slashfilm (via Bollywood Life), “the song used is ‘Rabba rabba,’ from the 2001 film Aks. If the voice sounds familiar, that may be because you recognize singer Sukhwinder Singh from the Slumdog Millionaire song ‘Jai Ho.'”We are going to be seeing a lot of the Muppets as the release date draws near. We have already seen them on W.E. RAW, the CMAs, and the Latin Grammys. They even made a subtle appearance on Modern Family. But that is not all. Since Eddie Murphy left his post as Oscar host, there has been a campaign (even though it failed) to get the Muppets to host. It will all be about the Muppets and trust me, you won’t be sick of it.The Muppets open in theaters on November 23. Viral News Viral Videos The Muppets
The Office Webisodes Return With “The Podcast” January 24, 2011NBC’s The Office returned after the holiday hiatus last week, and with it, we got another round of webisodes. This time the three episodes of “The Podcast” feature relative newcomer Gabe (Zach Woods) trying to impress corporate by recording a podcast for the Sabre website, but his plans quickly unravel…. Read More
Watch: “TRON: Legacy” Projection Show In London December 5, 2010December 5, 2010Earlier this year, Iron Man 2 was featured in the world’s first Architectural Projection Mapping to incorporate live footage. Now TRON: Legacy follows suit with a 9 minute show projected on the Queen Elizabeth Hall in London. Check out the video footage of the show after the break. Read More
Marvel Finally Decides To Promote “Captain America” With New Poster and Trailer June 24, 2011June 24, 2011Marvel Studio’s last movie before the superhero team-up movie The Avengers is next month’s Captain America: The First Avenger. However, despite the film being just weeks away from opening, the studio, along with distributor Paramount, have really dropped the ball on marketing it. We haven’t seen much promotional material, and… Read More