Who Wants To Go To Zombie Camp? Alex Gerage, January 25, 2012 Hot on the heels of our recent discovery that Portland-based camping and survival organization, Trackers Earth, will be offering a Hellboy and B.P.R.D. themed training camp for children this summer is the realization that they will also offer Zombie Survival Training for individuals of all ages. That’s right, buy your plane ticket and get ready for a trip to Oregon, because you can soon learn how to prepare yourself for when the apocalypse hits. Find out more after the jump.Trackers Earth seems to have put together another stellar themed survival and training course for zombie fanatics. Like B.P.R.D. Training Camp, Zombie Survival Training is built around actual survival techniques the group offers in their normal programs, but with the added twist of applying them within a world where a zombie apocalypse can take place. The children’s version of the camp is held in August and focuses largely on survival basics like gathering food and shelter. The adult version is held this March with a special emphasis on “protecting your clan” (someone inform Rick Grimes of this, please).Check out some more details of the camp below, and head to the Trackers Earth website to check out a cool video of how the camp plays out:Where’s the best place to avoid the zombie invasion? The wilds and natural areas of our fair city of course! Learn key outdoor survival skills with the experts of Trackers Earth. We cover everything from shelter, water, fire and food to camouflage secrets of local wildlife for forest stealth and guile. All this plus martial arts training for self-sufficiency and defense against zombie hordes.Join the elite instructors of the Trackers Rangers Guild: Special Zombie Unit for awesome survival training in preparation for the zombies.Welcome to Training CampZ. Here you will learn all the essentials you need to survive in a world fast being overrun by zombies. We offer courses for both the youth and adult of this post-apocalyptic zombie wasteland. Each course is taught by seasoned experts who have fought on the frontlines of the zombie epidemic.With The Walking Dead a huge television hit, and zombies now a hot genre for entertainment, I think a zombie-themed survival camp is a great idea and should be well received. It’s just a shame this training is only limited to Portland residents. Doesn’t the rest of the country need to be ready too?If you know of any other zombie survival courses being held, let us know in the comments section below. The Walking Dead returns to AMC on February 12. Events BPRDHellboyThe Walking DeadTrackers EarthZombies
Comic-Con: True Blood Comic Released July 22, 2010July 22, 2010For those lucky enough to be attending Comic-Con this week, head along to the IDW booth. There you’ll be able to get your hands on 2 limited edition copies of the new True Blood comic book that has been released to compliment the successful HBO TV show. Read More
Tron Legacy Officially To Return to Comic-Con June 17, 2010This is one we saw coming from a mile away, but it’s nice to get the official word. Disney is bringing back Tron Legacy to San Diego Comic-Con 2010, this time with a panel that promises surprise guests. Read the complete press release after the break. Read More
Comic-Con 2011: Saturday Blog July 24, 2011Saturday was my last day at Comic-Con, and I spent it almost entirely in Hall H. Check out my reactions the panels and more after the break. Read More
It’s not JUST for Portlanders – we have a kid’s Zombie Survival Camp down here at our Bay Area branch in Oakland, too! Hopefully adult versions will come next year. http://trackersbay.com/youth/summer-camp/day/stealth-archery-and-zombie-survival.php