Now’s The Time To Sign The “Tim & Eric Billion Dollar Movie” Pledge Michael Lee, January 27, 2012January 27, 2012 Sundance is not only home to some of the best movies the world has to offer, its also the place where various movie studios bid to purchase the rights to distribute them. But since this is a site about viral marketing, we aren’t going to cover any purchases, and instead focus on the new viral activity that has been taking place during the festival.As some of you may know the Tim and Eric’s Billion Dollar Movie, the feature-length version of the duo’s popular Adult Swim series of the same name, will officially hit theaters on March 2nd, but goes on demand tomorrow. The duo behind Tim and Eric’s Billion Dollar Movie wants you to sign a pledge that states that you will see their movie and not Universal’s The Lorax. Hit the jump to see how you can get involved. As aforementioned, the two have created a pledge that says you (plus one member of your family) will see their movie instead of The Lorax on March 2nd. Here is the exact pledge that you will be signing. You can download the full pledge on the official Tim and Eric Facebook fan page here. Then upload a video of yourself signing the pledge on youtube.To get the pledge going, some of the biggest names in Hollywood, including Paul Rudd, Elijah Wood, Andy Samburg and Rashida Jones, have already signed the pledge, which should be some sort of incentive for you to do so as well. Below are just some of those videos of actors and actresses signing the pledge.Paul Rudd Elijah Wood Rashida Jones and Andy Samburg Tim and Eric themselves asking you to sign the pledge If you wanna sign, be sure to grab the pledge from Facebook and then post a video on YouTube. Viral Marketing Viral Videos Adult SwimSundanceTim and Eric's Billion Dollar MovieTim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie Pledge
Dress Like A ‘Kingsman’ By Shopping At Store Inspired By “The Secret Service” January 13, 2015January 13, 2015There is a lot that stands out after watching the trailers for Kingsman: The Secret Service. Colin Firth kicking ass and Matthew Vaughn’s frenetic action sequences come to mind immediately. But just as important in establishing the film’s unique style appears to be its fashion. Staying true to James Bond… Read More
Viral Video: “Blue People” Movie Trailer March 19, 2010March 19, 2010Have you ever noticed that blue is the go-to color for making a human look different? From Avatar to Blue Man Group, blue is in style. With that in mind, the guys at decided to see what it would like to have all of these blue people in one… Read More
Fan Made Work Viral Video: “Star Wars – Attack of the Models!” December 21, 2010December 21, 2010Comedy group Pistol Shrimps have made some pretty funny and popular videos, usually spoofing big nerd franchises like Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter. Now the group has decided to go classic by spoofing the Star Wars saga and adding gay models to the mix. Watch the video in… Read More
I signed the Pledge! Everyone should pay to see movies that writers, directors, actors, producers, art directors, etc. work so hard to create. Putting a price on a product of value is suppose to be done so you should pledge too!Katie Rotolo