Project Prometheus Gives Us A Look At David 8’s “Emotions”

Earlier today, a new Prometheus viral video featuring Michael Fassbender as the Weyland Industries android, David 8, premiered online. The ad was a sort of mock-interview in which an off-screen voice asked David a series of questions, one of which being “David, what makes you sad?” The robot then displayed the human emotion of sadness, even shedding tears. Project Prometheus is now giving Weyland Investors an in-depth look at David 8’s Emotion Output Display Module. More after the jump.

In order to unlock each of David’s emotions, investors had to decode some binary in special images sent out to 8 film blogs, like the one below from

Once one was unlocked, you could read a description of how David would display that emotion. For example, ComingSoon’s code unlocked Anger, which you can read about below.  You can see the rest of David’s emotions by clicking the picture.

There are definitely more updates coming soon from Project Prometheus, so be sure to check back here often for the latest! You can follow up on our coverage of the Prometheus viral campaign here.

You can see more of David when Prometheus hits theaters in 2D, Real-D 3D and IMAX 3D June 8th!

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