Men in Black III: Follow Bugeyes On New Website Dan Koelsch, April 22, 2012 Are you one of the few people still following the Men in Black III viral campaign? If you are a bit confused by “The Men in Black Suits Are Real” Experience, then you’re in luck. Columbia Pictures has created a website that provides a flowchart to get you up to speed. Get the details after the jump. A teenager codenamed Bugeyes runs the website Men in Black Suits Are Real, in which is a bit self-explanatory. While he doesn’t have any proof nor has a full understanding of who the MIB are, his goal during this “experience” is to figure it all out. The website Following Bugeyes helps you follow along, as it has a flowchart on the left side. When you click on each box, it shows a snippet on the right that gives you more details.Right now the focus of BugEyes’ efforts is a mysterious cake from Baskin Robbins. It’s called Pink Surprise Cake, and as of this afternoon, someone has actually picked it up. We’ll have to see what this “surprise” is and if it means anything.Men in Black III opens in 3D on May 25th. Follow the viral campaign at our MIB3 Viral Hub. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Following BugeyesMen in Black IIIMen in Black Suits Are real
Get Ready to Be “Green with Envy” May 23, 2011Over the weekend, audiences who saw Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides were shown a trailer for a film called Green with Envy starring Amy Adams and Jason Segel as a young couple who take a romantic trip to Hollywood for their anniversary. But all is not what it… Read More
Potential Outbreak: James Cameron’s AVATAR June 16, 2009June 16, 2009Potential Outbreak is a weekly article of MovieViral concerning “possible” viral marketing of upcoming future films and what these films can use so they can be successful. Avatar is set to release in late December of this year (2009) but this film still has time to compose a timely and… Read More
MovieViral’s 2 Year Anniversary! January 29, 2011January 29, 2011It’s hard to believe it’s already been 2 years, but on January 29, 2009, MovieViral was officially born. We’ve come a long way, and we want to thank all our readers for sticking by us and making this all possible. We are, as always, looking to grow and mature our… Read More
Are you one of the few people still following the Men in Black III viral campaign? If you are a bit confused by “T
teenager codenamed Bugeyes runs the website Men in Black Suits Are Real, in which is a bit
Right now the focus of BugEyes’ efforts is a mysterious cake from Baskin Robbins. It’s called Pink