LEGO Rejects “Shaun of the Dead” Winchester Playset Dan Koelsch, May 1, 2012 Sad news this week, as LEGO has announced they have rejected the first LEGO CUUSOO project to get the required 10,000 supports to be officially reviewed for production. The Shaun of the Dead playset featuring the Winchester Pub, which we told you about in March, was deemed not “content appropriate”. Read the full statement from LEGO after the break.Results of the LEGO Review for the Winchester – Shaun of the Dead2012.04.26The LEGO Jury has completed the review of the Winchester – Shaun of the Dead project that hit 10,000 supporters on LEGO CUUSOO on March 31, 2012.LEGO CUUSOO gives the opportunity to submit product ideas, however all LEGO products, regardless of age target, must be content appropriate for our core audience. With this in mind we have decided that – good though the model is – the film Shaun of the Dead contains content that is not appropriate for our core target audience of children ages 6-11.Long before the Winchester received mainstream media attention, Greg (Yatkuu) contacted us in earnest to see if his project was acceptable. We recognized the potential conflict, but didn’t see a reason to remove the project. The model was presented tastefully and we thought it deserved fair consideration. With 10,000 supporters, the Winchester earned the opportunity to receive the full LEGO Review.Greg has been a pleasure to work with throughout this process. We’re impressed by his model, grateful for his constructive approach with us, and we are sad to disappoint such a devoted LEGO fan.Opening ourselves to new product suggestions invites popular ideas that don’t always fit our brand. This is the first time we’ve felt that we should turn a LEGO CUUSOO idea down, but we’re grateful for the spirit behind projects like the Winchester and for the opportunity to be challenged. It keeps us sharp and looking toward the future of the LEGO brick.We appreciate the passion exhibited for new product ideas on LEGO CUUSOO.While it is understandable why the zombie-themed playset was rejected, the Internet fervor over the potential project would assuredly brought decent sales. Fortunately, two more projects have gotten the required 10,000 supporters for review by LEGO, including a model of the DeLorean from Back to the Future. Fingers crossed. Fan Made Work Viral News Back to the futureLEGOShaun of the Dead
Controversy Rises As “Dark Knight” Reviews Roll In July 17, 2012July 17, 2012As the embargo lifts and the wait for The Dark Knight Rises comes to a close, a pair of stories has emerged over the last two days concerning the film’s critical reception and subsequent fan reaction. While I don’t think anyone expected Christopher Nolan’s final Batman film to be without… Read More
Petition To Renew “TRON: Uprising” Gains Steam While Fate of Show Is Uncertain January 13, 2013January 16, 2013This week, reports spread that Disney Channel’s animated TRON: Uprising show was being cancelled after one season. While the show’s future is actually not set in stone according to producer Edward Kitsis, a petition was created on to renew the show (along with Motorcity). At the time this article… Read More
Viral Video: Jason Statham Enters the World of Warcraft December 8, 2010RipeTV have put together a rather funny video that takes footage of Jason Statham (at least mostly, if not entirely, from next month’s The Mechanic) and cuts in some video and audio dubbing to make what looks like a trailer for an action film in which Statham is on the… Read More
why the zombie-themed playset was rejected, the Internet fervor over the potential project would assuredly brought decent sales. Fortunately,