Become a Campaign Manager for “The Campaign” Nick Butler, July 25, 2012September 23, 2024 MovieViral received a special package from Cam Brady’s campaign for Congress today, and we’ve been hired as honorary Campaign Managers for his reelection bid against Marty Huggins. Of course, this is all for the upcoming film “The Campaign,” starring Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis, which is set to release August 10th. After the break, see what Cam sent us and how you can become a campaign manager.The package, which you can see above, included a “Vote for Cam” tout bag, t-shirt, pins, stickers, hat, pencils, foam hand, a campaign manager credential, and two Will Ferrell face cut-outs.To become a campaign manager, all you have to do is like “The Campaign” on Facebook, and then sign up to become a campaign manager for either Cam Brady or Marty Huggins. Each week a lucky few are selected based on their performance and sent their very own campaign manager pack. Good luck!Cam Brady 2012! Vote early, vote awesome! News Viral Marketing Cam BradyCampaign ManagerMarty HugginsThe CampaignWill FerrellZach Galifianakis
Puma Prowls “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” Viral Site January 3, 2014The Amazing Spider-Man 2‘s viral site, The Daily Bugle, has been making a few references to some of the major villains in Spider-Man’s rogue gallery. Shocker, the Enforcers, Hobgoblin, Venom, even She-Venom have all been mentioned or alluded to in the past few months via these faux articles. Some of… Read More
Verizon’s Secret Campaign: Droid X Twitter Account Found June 21, 2010June 21, 2010If you watch TV, you’ve seen commercials for the new line of Android phones. One thing I’ve noticed is they all seem both creepy and catchy. Following that line of mystery, Verizon Wireless has launched a new, so far secret, campaign for the upcoming release of the Droid X. A… Read More
Help Create “Bear Week”, Because Bears Are Better Than Sharks August 3, 2011We are treading water in the middle of Shark Week on Discovery Channel, but Kevin Corrigan of College Humor thinks a different animal deserves their own week as well (if not instead). In fact, he’s putting a petition together to make it happen. Learn more after the break. Read More