The Expendables Demand That You Don’t Press the Button Dan Koelsch, August 11, 2012 The cast of Expendables 2 really don’t want you to press that button. Lionsgate has created the, where stars Terry Crews and Dolph Lundgren yell at you to not press the red button in the middle of the screen. When you do press it, you get some short clips from the film. Lionsgate also uploaded a video to show how the site works. Take a look after the break. Tweet #DONTPRESSTHEBUTTON to get in on the action socially, and also don’t forget to check out the Tumblr for The Expendables Field Guide. The Expendables 2 opens in theaters on August 17th. Viral Marketing Don't Press The ButtonThe Expendables 2
LA Times Video Re-Cap of “TRON: Legacy” Viral February 10, 2011Jay West of the Los Angeles Times’ Hero Complex blog has posted a video summary of the TRON: Legacy viral/ARG campaign. It’s a pretty solid review, so check it out after the break. Read More
YouTube Tuesday: Death Star PR February 26, 2013February 25, 2013We at MovieViral know our viral videos pretty well, so we decided to share our knowledge to those looking to expand their Internet horizons. YouTube Tuesday is a weekly feature where we shine the spotlight on our favorite YouTube channels related to movies and television. We focus on channels that… Read More
“Godzilla” Trailer: You’re Hiding Something Out There February 25, 2014February 25, 2014So after a couple of small viral campaigns to drive up some anticipation, Warner Bros. has released the first full trailer for Godzilla. Hit the jump to see it. Read More
When you do press it, you get some short clips from the film. Lionsgate also uploaded a video to show how the site works. Take a look after the break.