Blu-ray Review: Snow White and the Huntsman Dan Koelsch, September 11, 2012 Universal’s Snow White and the Huntsman, a reimagining of the classic fairy tale and Disney movie, comes out on Blu-ray and DVD today. I gave a review of the film itself when it opened in theaters, and I stand by that review after watching it again. After the break, get my review of the Blu-ray/DVD Combo. Per usual, this two disc combo pack includes Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy + UltraViolet. We get features that only Blu-ray can offer, such as the menu overlapping the movie while it plays. The crown jewel, however, is the bevy of extras, listed below. – Extended Edition – Feature Commentary with Director Rupert Sanders, Visual Effects Supervisor Cedric Nicolas-Troyan and Co-Editor Neil Smith – A New Legend is Born – Reinventing the Fairytale – Citizens of the Kingdom – The Magic of “Snow White and the Huntsman” – Around the Kingdom: 360-degree Set Tour – Universal’s Second Screen – Picture-in-Picture – D-BOX Motion Code – BD-Live – Standard-Def DVD – Digital Copy – UltraViolet Digital Copy – pocket BLU AppMy personal favorite feature is the interactive 360-degree Set Tour, which includes all the main locations in the film. While it was great to see all the behind-the-scenes featurettes, I felt uncomfortable watching parts of them because of the recent scandal. Director Rupert Sanders and star Kristen Stewart had an affair after filming completed, and they both admitted to it publicly last month. The fact that Sanders’ wife Liberty Ross plays Snow White’s mother in the film made it even more surreal. Obviously, all of the interviews were done before any of this, so the watcher has a sense of unwanted irony.However, it’s a good release overall. If only the movie lived up to the standards the Blu-ray set. Reviews DVD ReviewSnow White and the Huntsman
Featured App: A Viral Campaign Contained in “Star Trek Into Darkness” App February 3, 2013February 2, 2013Paramount Digital Entertainment released its Star Trek Into Darkness mobile app this week on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Using new technology created by Qualcomm Labs, Inc., users will be able to unlock content from the film by participating in scavenger hunts and other real-world missions which… Read More
“X-Men: Days of Future Past” Review – Timey Wimey Awesomeness Bub May 23, 2014May 24, 2014So right out of the gate I’ll just say it–this is the best X-Men film of the franchise. Not only is it a great superhero movie, it’s also just a fantastic piece of cinema, period. For me, this is truly the first film of the summer blockbuster season where I… Read More
The A-Team: I Love It When A Film Comes Together June 11, 2010October 18, 2011There has been a barrage of films lately that some will call unoriginal, unnecessary, and quite frankly, lazy. These are the films that have either been taken directly from those before them, or tweaked enough to release as their own. 9 out of 10 times, these films are ripped into… Read More