Frankenweenie-fy Your Pet With Facebook App Dan Koelsch, October 8, 2012April 15, 2015 Disney’s stop-motion comedy horror film Frankenweenie opened this weekend, and it may inspire kids to try to bring their dead dogs back to life. You might be able to help them come just short of that with the Frankenweenie-fy Your Pet Facebook App, which lets you turn a picture of your pet into a monster. Check out the terrible job I did with a random dog (I don’t have any pets) after the break. Apps DisneyFacebookFrankenweenie
Collect Your Friends With “The Collection” Facebook App November 23, 2012April 15, 2015The Collection is a sequel to the indie horror film The Collector that is opening next week nationwide. The Collector is a serial killer who sets gruesome boobytraps for his victims and collects body parts. The film’s Facebook page has an App called Collect Your Friends, where you can create… Read More
TubeRank Helps You Create Viral Videos February 12, 2013Viral videos are difficult to make. How can you be sure that your video will inspire people to share and talk about it? TubeRank is an online app from VAN that is designed specifically to help you come up with ideas with viral potential. Just select the triggers, interests, and… Read More
Featured App: A Viral Campaign Contained in “Star Trek Into Darkness” App February 3, 2013February 2, 2013Paramount Digital Entertainment released its Star Trek Into Darkness mobile app this week on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Using new technology created by Qualcomm Labs, Inc., users will be able to unlock content from the film by participating in scavenger hunts and other real-world missions which… Read More