Blu-Ray Release Reignites “Prometheus” Viral

20th Century Fox’s Prometheus had its home release on Tuesday, and with it, the film’s official Twitter account tweeted an image that it described as “Weyland Classified: Infographic about the black Goo.” Check it out after the break, as well as an important viral piece that you might have forgotten about.

The Alien prequel (MovieViral is officially ending the pretense that the film not officially a prequel) had a strong viral marketing campaign that centered around Weyland Industries and its Project Prometheus. Weyland is the company that owns the spaceship Prometheus and funding the journey we see on screen. Click below to see a larger version of the classified file on the infamous black goo.

The film’s Facebook page had a slightly more enlightening description of the image.

Declassified: In researching the aftermath of Project Prometheus, Weyland Industries managed to uncover an information manual written by the Engineers concerning a chemical agent found by the Prometheus crew.

To me, it looks like Weyland was using the goo themselves. If so, how did they get it? Could they have caused the Aliens we see in the original film? Give us your theories in the comments section below.

On another note, today is 10/11/12, which you might remember has some significance to the viral campaign. The end credits to Prometheus had that date along with the Weyland logo, which is the same date that Weyland Corporation is officially formed, according to the company’s timeline. This led us to, which now redirects you to This new site provides behind the scenes videos and photos, as well as deleted scenes.

This seems like a dull conclusion to the “10.11.12” part of the viral campaign, especially considering the garbled voice message and recruiting efforts during Comic-Con. However, it’s still early, so maybe something cooler will happen later today. We’ll keep our eye out for any other updates, but if you find anything, make sure to let us know in the comments or via Twitter.

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