Paranormal Activity 4’s Viral Campaign Featuring “Jacob Degloshi” Ends

Jacob Degloshi is a character in the Paranormal Activity ARG universe who is haunted by the same demon from the movies. The movie franchise may have dwindled down to pinpoint formula and stupid characters, but the viral is still standing strong…or was. Details after the break.

The Paranormal Activity movies are known for their endings that range from bland to disappointing. By the fourth installment (which opened earlier this month), you can tell they had given up on the franchise. The viral campaign had the promising Degloshi storyline, however, and I still had some hope left for the ARG up until its connection to Paranormal Activity 4 became clear thanks to the infamous “circle-in-a-triangle” symbol that is also in the movie.

For those of you new to this viral, Jacob Degloshi is a divorced husband with a daughter, Sarah, becoming haunted by the demon, Tobey. The narrative played out on a bevy of social media websites, including Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, and Google Plus. If you are a fan of the series and looking for an alternate way to experience yet another possession of crazy women, I recommend this viral campaign. He felt like a real person and responded to tweets. This is still the laziest demon from hell and as usual it tortured him slowly with shadows, marks, and moving objects.

The producers of the film franchise should take a page from the viral campaign, because the audience response has been much more positive. The campaign’s ending was live-streamed on YouTube, and you can watch it below. Check out Dead Central for a full rundown of the campaign as it happened.

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