ViralCast: Zombies! Dan Koelsch, November 26, 2012November 25, 2012 With the trailer for the zombie romantic comedy Warm Bodies coming out a few weeks ago, I’ve had zombies on the mind. Add in The Walking Dead and the upcoming World War Z, and I figured this is a great time to talk about zombies. Listen to our ZombieCast guests Chris and Joel after break. Listen below or download here. [audio:] Podcasts PodcastsViralCastZombies
ViralCast Commentary: Cloverfield January 18, 2010January 18, 2013Today marks the 2 year anniversary of Cloverfield releasing in theaters on January 18th, 2008. We at MovieViral and its forum actually first came together because of the viral campaign for Cloverfield, so the film has special meaning for us. This is our commentary for the film, in which we… Read More
ViralCast #3: Watchmen Review March 12, 2009February 21, 2010Check out the podcast below, where I talk with Tom, Vice President of the forums, about the film Watchmen. We bring up forum reviews, so maybe your name is mentioned! Read More
ViralCast #27: Tron Legacy, The Crazies, Repo Men, and More! March 1, 2010May 9, 2010In our latest ViralCast, Nick, Scott, and Corey join me (Dan) as we talk the premiere, opening weekend, and viral of The Crazies, as well as updates to Tron Legacy, Repo Men, and LOST. We even talk about the Winter Olympics, my “Thousand Challenge”, and of course our Boondock Saints… Read More