“Seinfeld Today” Twitter Account Imagines Modern Episode Synopses

Hot on the heels of @TNG_S8, the parody Twitter account posting synopses of the “unaired” eighth season of Star Trek: The Next Generation, comes a similarly styled feed about everyone’s favorite show about nothing, Seinfeld. Run by Buzzfeed sports editor Jack Moore with help from comedian Josh Gondelman, @SeinfeldToday answers one simple question: what if Seinfeld was still on the air? Hit the jump for more.

The short answer to the above question is that Seinfeld would be a very different sitcom if it were still running today (although you could also argue that it would still be “a show about nothing”). The @SeinfeldToday feed brilliant captures what many modern episodes would likely be about. As a format, Twitter perfectly replicates the shows old plot summaries for modern times by being succinctly and hilariously vague.

Thinking about these tweets in the context of when the show actually took place is what makes this parody account so effective, but it’s also a little jarring. While the realization that Seinfeld ended its run almost 15 years ago should make everyone feel old, its even more staggering to consider just how different our culture is when it comes to entertainment, technology and communication, and basic norms—the very things that often served as macguffins for the episodes.

Since the first tweet was posted Dec. 9, the account has garnered over 120,000 followers. You can view a couple of my favorite tweets below:

Thanks to Mashable for the heads-up about this story.

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