Disney’s “Wreck-It Ralph” Creates 8 Bit Lane In London Dan Koelsch, January 12, 2013 It’s hard to believe that Disney’s latest animated film Wreck-It Ralph doesn’t open up in the UK until February 8th, over three months after its US release. Fortunately, Disney makes up for the wait a bit by creating 8 Bit Lane in London near the The Truman Brewery. Get the details after the break. Wreck-It Ralph is an adventure where arcade video games are alive and the title character jumps between them trying to be a hero. The London street lets you get in on the action by having a pixelated tree, dog, police car, and more. According to Now Here This, 8 Bit Lane is open until Sunday, and it has the world’s first Blipp-able building. Blippar is a visual discovery (read: augmented reality) app, and you can even play a game using it on said building. Click here to see a photo album of the lane, and check out a few highlights below. Source: Reddit Viral Marketing LondonWreck-It Ralph
‘The Dark Knight Rises’ Viral Campaign: Gotham Observer And New Tech Company June 22, 2012June 22, 2012Though the viral campaign for The Dark Knight Rises may not be as elaborate or exciting as its predecessor, but it’s still a great tool to use to drive interest for the film. Now with the film just a little over a month away from release, the viral campaign is… Read More
MTV Movie Awards Promos Include Tom Cruise as Les Grossman from Tropic Thunder June 1, 2010The MTV Movie Awards has long been known for their spoofs and hilarity in general, even in their commericals. This year, we’ve gotten some good commercials featuring host Aziz Ansari, as well as Justin Bieber. Now the awards show is stepping it up a notch by featuring “Hollywood mega mogul”… Read More
New Picture of Wikus from District 9 July 22, 2009Sony Pictures has released a new picture of Wikus (played by Sharlto Copley) from District 9: Initial reactions from the forum seem to be that his ‘weapon’ is an alien spray-type of thing, a flamethrower, or both. Forum member and staff writer Scott points out that the canister on top… Read More