You Can Be Part of HitRECord’s New TV Show Dan Koelsch, March 28, 2013 Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s collaborative production company called HitRECord has been very successful over the years online and at festivals. Now, the company is making the leap to the small screen with a variety show on the new cable channel Pivot. Watch the announcement video after the break to find out how you can be part of the show in more ways than you might expect. Viral Marketing hitrecord
Create Your Own “Harry Potter Undesirable No. 1” Poster October 24, 2010October 25, 2010With Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 1 only weeks away, it should come as no surprise that viral marketing for the beloved childern’s book Warner Brothers has added a new feature to their official Harry Potter movie website. You can create your very own “Undesirable No. 1” poster… Read More
Stark Industries Email August 3, 2009March 30, 2010In Iron Man 2 viral news, I got a rather bland email from a Kay Baker at Stark Industries. Since Matt also got one and didn’t even fill out the questions at the end of the application, I can assume everyone who applied got this email. Sounds like they may… Read More
‘Interstellar’ Oculus Rift Coming To Select Theaters October 3, 2014Studios are always looking for interesting ways to engage audiences and entice them to purchase tickets. Scavenger hunt viral marketing, fun and puzzling websites, even revealing your secrets anonymously on ominous websites, marketing teams are thinking of clever ways to keep audiences engaged in more ways than just dropping a… Read More