Patton Oswalt Filibusters Plot For “Star Wars: Episode VII” & “The Avengers” Tie-In Movie On “Parks & Rec” Michael Lee, April 17, 2013April 18, 2013 After turning in one of the most emotionally charged reactions to the Boston Marathon Bombings on Facebook and appearing as The Penguin in College Humor’s parody of Christopher Nolan’s Batman, Patton Oswalt name is back again. This time its for political reasons, but not for gun control or anything serious, it’s for something much more important. Appearing in an episode of Parks and Rec, Oswalt’s character will attempt a filibuster by pitching a plot for Star Wars Episode VII to the Pawnee City Council. Hit the jump to see the video.Sadly this clip runs for 8 minutes, so it just doesn’t have any room for something that runs that long on a 22-minute long sitcom. Despite that, it is a hilarious clip of Oswalt’s character attempting to change the city council’s thoughts on changing outdated laws by filibustering a plot for Star Wars Episode VII, Boba Fett, The Avengers, and Brian Del Palma.But as a man who claims to have spent all this time on the internet, you would think that he would know that a couple of the Marvel heroes he mentioned are different properties owned by different studios. But the fact that he ties in Clash of the Titans means he’s thought this through and he knows how to make this three-franchise tie-in work.After listening to his pitch, it makes me think that screenwriter Michael Adrnt might want to let Oswalt himself, or at least the person who wrote this episode, write the script for Episode VII.Source: Parks and Rec Youtube Channel News Viral Marketing Viral News Viral Videos Brian Del PalmaClash of the TitansParks and RecreationPatton OswaltStar Wars: Episode VIIThe Avengers
Conan Supporters Get Their Revenge on Hulu May 24, 2010May 24, 2010The war may be over, there are still soldiers fighting on. The NBC Late Night fiasco that kicked off at the beginning of the year demonstrated the passion of Conan O’Brien’s fans. While the comedian has a new show on TBS, and doesn’t have anything to fear from George Lopez,… Read More
Seven Psychopaths: Help Charlie Find His Shih Tzu September 23, 2012Seven Psychopaths is a comedy action film from CBS Films with an odd, yet strangely alluring, premise. Christopher Walken and Sam Rockwell are dog thieves who unwittingly steal a dog from Charlie Costello, an unpredictable gangster. After the break, find out how Costello has gone public with his efforts to… Read More
The Buzz: Man of Steel, Star Trek Into Darkness, Awards, and More! December 15, 2012December 16, 2012The Buzz is a feature in which we round up the Top 3 most-buzzed-about movie/TV stories of the week (in more-or-less chronological order). Why go through pages of blogs just to find out what everyone is talking about? We’ve got it all right here in The Buzz. Read More