Enter The Secret Service By Taking The “White House Down” Skills Evaluation Test David Weaver, May 10, 2013April 15, 2015 Have you ever wanted to join the secret service and help protect the President of the United States? Well now you can, sort of, with the Secret Service Skills Test for the new Roland Emmerich action film White House Down. The test will help you determine if you have what it takes to join the elite ranks of the world’s most highly trained security force. Get the details after the break.Being the frontline of defense for our nation’s leaders isn’t exactly a job that just anyone can jump into. However, by using the new Secret Service Skills Test, you can be evaluated and ranked accordingly by completing the three distinct levels of testing needed to determine your skill set.The first tier of testing will put your memory skills to the test, where you are presented with a number of mug shots (comprised of your Facebook friends if you are linked), where you must remember specific ones and identify them when prompted. The second tier has you watching a security feed where you must identify and pick out the suspect from a crowd. The third and final (and most difficult one I might add) tier will have you locating an internal threat by assessing a situation with only a handful of hints given. Once you are finished you will be given a rank based on time of completion and accuracy.You can begin your career with the secret service by taking the Secret Service Skills Test here and find any other updates through the official White House Down Facebook page.White House Down will be released theatrically on June 28th, 2013. Apps Viral Marketing Facebook AppWhite House Down
Nation’s Pride – Inglourious Basterds Viral August 4, 2009If you head over to Apple Trailers, you may see a foreign film posted in the trailers. Never heard of Nation’s Pride? It’s a WWII picture that is based off of Fredrick Zoller. Really? You never heard of it? Unless you’re up on your Tarantino, you may not have. This… Read More
Take Command of the USS Colorado as a “Last Resort” September 24, 2012September 23, 2012This week, ABC debuts their new drama series Last Resort, about a rogue US Navy submarine. You get to be in command of the USS Colorado via the Last Resort Command Center. Get the details after the break. Read More
Add the Weyland Med Pod 720i to Your “Prometheus” Ship April 13, 2012April 15, 2012If movies set in the future have taught us anything, its that we probably won’t be seeing flying cars, levitating skateboards, or half human-half cyborg cops any time soon. One can only imagine how far technology will advance in the next 100 years, if it advances at all. But playing… Read More