Enter The IGN “Pacific Rim” Jaeger Design Contest To Win An Assortment Of Fabulous Prizes David Weaver, June 21, 2013June 21, 2013 Designing a Jaeger is no small feet, because they’re big…and they have big feet. Anyway, bad jokes aside, apparently the director of Pacific Rim, Guillermo del Toro, wants you to have a go at it yourself and design your very own Jaeger for a chance to win one of three…
“World War Z” Review: This Zombie-Fied Action Thrill Ride Aims To Please And Mostly Succeeds David Weaver, June 21, 2013 After a number of script rewrites, re-shoots, and general retooling over the film’s six year journey to theaters, World War Z is upon us. With so many pre-production problems, it was widely speculated that the finished product would not only fail to realize the intricate work of author Max Brooks…
“Much Ado About Nothing” Review: Joss Whedon’s Take On Shakespeare Is Energetic & Fun Michael Lee, June 21, 2013June 21, 2013 Following his stellar directing efforts on The Avengers, Joss Whedon decided to do something smaller in scale as his follow up, so small that it took him less than 12 days to complete principle photography, and all of it shot in his beautiful Santa Monica home. For his follow up,…
Viral Marketing “Personal Demons” Kickstarter Takes A Unique Approach Christopher Moore, June 21, 2013 As an independent filmmaker, I’ve been a part of two successful Kickstarter campaigns, so I know how important it is to make a movie pitch that catches people’s attention. When you don’t have the luxury of having some movie star like Zach Braff or Kristen Bell behind your project, you…
Contests Win A Signed Script To NBC’s “Hannibal” Christopher Moore, June 20, 2013 With the season finale of NBC’s Hannibal happening tonight, the show has created a contest through their Tumblr account, so fans can submit to win a signed script as well as other goodies. Find out after the break how you can enter and what you could win.