“Zombiefied” Infographic Shows You A Day In The Life Of A Walker Alex Gerage, July 17, 2013July 17, 2013 It was around this time last year that marketing for the third season of The Walking Dead really started to pick up. We wrote that the show had pretty much taken over Comic-Con 2012, what with their The Walking Dead Escape obstacle course, and a panel that premiered the first trailer for the third season. We expect similar announcements at the convention later this week as the shape of season four comes more into focus. To tide you over until then, the folks at CableTV.com have put together a comprehensive, interactive, infographic called “Zombiefied,” that showcases a day in the life of a typical on-set walker extra on the show. Hit the jump to learn more about this behind the scenes treat.With Zombiefied, the writers at CableTV combed through a mass of content that exists about how the walkers are created and directed in The Walking Dead and produced a succinct infographic that involves the audience in learning the unique process that brings the show’s walkers to life.In the infographic, your keyboard serves as the controls as your on-screen avatar literally goes from casual extra to roaming walker, stopping at various locales on the Georgia-based set as he prepares for his big moment on camera. As you progress in the infographic, word bubbles appear offering trivia about the show, such as the total walker count after three seasons, and what exactly “zombie dark” is. I especially love the fitting way it ends, but you will have to experience it for yourself to see what happens.If you have watched any behind the scenes special features on your The Walking Dead blu-rays, or seen the snippets of trivia broadcast on the series’ post-game show, The Talking Dead, you may already know the infographic’s details. But I love the way CableTV chose to present it, and hope they repeat the format again soon with another popular show.Let us know what you think of Zombiefied in our comments section below, and be sure to check back later this week with our coverage of the latest The Walking Dead news announced at Comic-Con. Fan Made Work CableTVinfographicthe talking deadThe Walking DeadwalkerZombiefied
Fan Made Work A Mash-Up of Edgar Wright’s Films December 10, 2010December 10, 2010Edgar Wright has to be one of the top director’s of this generation. With a sense and style he can call his own Wright has directed three incredible films: Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, and Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World. But if you don’t know one or any of… Read More
YouTube Tuesday: wekejay November 6, 2012November 5, 2012We at MovieViral know our viral videos pretty well, so we decided to share our knowledge to those looking to expand their Internet horizons. YouTube Tuesday is a weekly feature where we shine the spotlight on our favorite YouTube channels related to movies and television. We focus on channels that… Read More
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