D23 Expo 2013: New “Tomorrowland” Domain Ties Into Disney Expo And A Possible App Christopher Moore, August 9, 2013 With Disney’s D23 Expo in full effect this weekend, it’s only a matter of time before we know more details about the secretive Tomorrowland project that’s being directed by Brad Bird. Well, to be exact, we should find out more about the movie during the Walt Disney Studios live action presentation on Saturday. To coincide with this, a web domain has popped up online which could tie in to a special Apple app for the movie. Find out the mysterious new site and what it links to after the break.We already revealed the beginning of a Tomorrowland viral campaign called the The Optimist which launched right after Comic-Con (You can check out our article here.) It involved an ARG (augmented reality game) which had people discovering faux sites online and traveling to different parts of the Disneyland Park to uncover further mysterious bits of information. The campaign is suppose to end with a big event at the Disney D23 Expo.As a possible addition to the Tomorrowland viral campaign, Stitch Kingdom came across a new domain registered by Disney that ties in directly to the D23 event as well as the movie. The domain is TOMORROWLANDD23.COM. If you click on the site, it redirects to search for an app through the iTunes store, but the search returns a message of “The item you are looking for cannot be found.”Could this future app be an extension of the ARG outside of the Expo? No one knows at this point, but hopefully something will be announced on Saturday during the big Disney presentation. MovieViral will keep you updated on when the app goes live as well as other juicy details that continue to pour out of Disney’s D23 Expo.Tomorrowland is directed, co-written and produced by Brad Bird. The film stars Britt Robertson, George Clooney, Hugh Laurie and Raffey Cassidy. In the film, a high school girl with an unconventional understanding of technology is launched on a journey to reclaim her future ARGs & Campaigns News Viral Marketing Brad BirdBritt RobertsonGeorge ClooneyHugh LaurieRaffey CassidyTomorrowland
Viral Video: 100 Cheesiest Movie Quotes January 21, 2010January 21, 2010I love cheesy action movies. One of the things I love most about them are the cheesy one-liners. However, action movies aren’t the ones with cheesy and eye-roll inducing lines. Fortunately, someone decided to put a large chunk of them into one video for us to enjoy. I don’t agree… Read More
Skynet Research Password Discovered May 19, 2009April 10, 2010This Terminator Salvation viral update comes to us thanks to cwoolboy in our forums. Recently, if you’ve checked out the Skynet website’s product page, you may have noticed that if you position your cursor over the “P” in “Products”, a dialog box opens for you to enter a password. Well, now… Read More
Quiz of Thrones: The Ultimate ‘Game Of Thrones’ Personality Quiz September 28, 2013September 28, 2013In the oh-so-famous words of Eddard Stark, “Winter is coming.” You’d best be prepared, and not just for the wind and cold. Get ready for a dearth of predictions surrounding the upcoming fourth season of “Game of Thrones.” Many of these will revolve around the show’s vast collection of characters,… Read More