20 New “Oldboy” Viral Posters Takes A Look Back On The Last 20 Years Michael Lee, October 9, 2013October 9, 2013 When you have been locked away from civilization for the better part of 20 years, chances are you will miss quite a few major events in history. Bill Clinton getting impeached, Dolly the sheep being cloned, the invention of Google, the invention of Facebook, 9/11, Barack Obama becoming the first African American President of the United States, the Occupy Movement, and now the Government Shutdown, a lot of these events have impacted our lives in some shape or form.So what do you do when you are released from 20 years of imprisonment? That’s what this new Oldboy viral is for. Posted on their tumblr site, new Oldboy content will help those adapt to all of these changes politically, technologically, socially, and more. Hit the jump and take a look back at 20 years worth of history. You can check out more Oldboy content on their official tumblr site. Oldboy stars Josh Brolin, Elizabeth Olsen, Samuel L. Jackson, Michael Imperioli, and Sharlto Copley.Directed by Spike Lee, and written by Mark Protosevich (The Cell, I Am Legend), Oldboy is and adaptation of the Japanese manga and South Korean film of the same name, and will open in theaters on October 25.Joe Doucett, an advertising executive is kidnapped and held prisoner for twenty years in solitary confinement. After he is suddenly released, he goes on a mission to find the person responsible for his imprisonment, later discovering that his life is still caught in conspiracy and torment. Viral Marketing Viral News FilmDistrictJosh BrolinOldboyspike lee
Super 8 Viral Updates: Minker’s Blog Hacked, New Chat, And Map Of The Little A’Le’Inn March 27, 2011March 27, 2011So far we’ve seen the viral campaign for Super 8 split into two narratives. There’s the Rocket Poppeteers storyline and then there’s the tale of Josh Minker and a mystery man (dubbed Mysterio by ARGers) who have to work together to figure out the secrets of Minker’s father. We got… Read More
Super 8 Countdown Ends: New Images and Website May 13, 2010June 12, 2010The countdown on ScariestThingIEverSaw.com ended tonight, and we got the next chapter in Super 8 viral. Once all 134640 bytes downloaded, we got more access to the PDP-11 computer console, which led to some interesting images, which themselves led us to a new viral website. Find out all the details… Read More
Watch These Inception Viral Videos With Dora The Explorer and Harry Potter July 17, 2010July 17, 2010Christopher Nolan’s Inception opened well this weekend, and everyone is talking about (read our review here). Today have two viral videos that play on aspects of the Inception trailer. First, Take180.com decided to plop Dora the Explorer in the film and call it “Incepción”. Then, we see how the score… Read More