Disney’s ‘Frozen’ Sing-Along Coming To Theaters Sabina, January 28, 2014 “I don’t know if I’m elated or gassy but I’m somewhere in that zone”, was definitely the reaction that I had when the news broke that Frozen was coming back to theaters in sing-along form. Many fans of Disney’s recent high grossing picture have gone over and over again to watch their new favorite. They have not only learned all the lines but have learned every song, making the soundtrack catapult to the top of the charts and beating out Beyonce. But let’s face it, little Blue Ivy is probably developing her mom’s singing skills to “Do you wanna build a Snowman?”. Aside from garnering Oscar nominations,the love for this picture has invaded popular culture and gone viral in many ways. Princess Anna and Elsa have become the spirit animal of many on popular fandom site Tumblr with awesome memes and gifs to suit any feel. Hit the jump to see them all.(Source: Artisney)Not only that countless videos on Youtube have been uploaded with wonderful and unique covers which have given Disney a clear message from the Frozen fandom about their immense love for the latest fairytale flick.And to thank them Disney has decided to release the movie in sing-along form nationwide.From Disney’s release:“Frozen fans have embraced the film’s original songs and its soundtrack with such passion—there are countless YouTube videos from people singing songs like ‘Let It Go’—we decided to create a version that would celebrate that enthusiasm. It’s a great opportunity for families to get together and have some fun with these songs.”So yes, gone are the days where you’d go see Frozen and hold back the desire to sing along out loud. With 1,000 screens playing the movie fans of all ages will be able to Let it go and sing to their heart’s content with the lyrics on screen. So gather all your friends, Disney Bound as your favorite characters and catch the special engagement starting January 31st.Don’t forget to follow the bouncing snowball.But let’s be honest who’s really going to need to? Viral Marketing Frozen
D-9.com Viral Updates – Videos and Target June 29, 2009June 30, 2009D-9.com has two new interview videos up with more of the local human population in District 9. Just click on the two yellow dots on the map to access the video. One begins with the title card “DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THE WAY NON-HUMANS COMMUNICATE”. In it, three… Read More
Cars Gone Viral February 13, 2010February 13, 2010What happens when you can’t show something in a commercial, even though you know your customers do exactly this, because it’s illegal? Don’t make a commercial…..make a film! That’s exactly what BMW did with it’s great series of shorts for its line of cars in order to show just how… Read More
Piranha 3-D Viral Updates June 1, 2010September 3, 2010A while back we mentioned the NSFW viral site linked to the Piranha 3-D film, and it has since then been updated. Not only are we still mentioning it’s NSFW, but we’re letting you know of some updates to the site. Including the greatest line ever muttered in a viral… Read More