Harold Ramis Dead At Age 69 Michael Lee, February 24, 2014February 24, 2014 Actor, screenwriter, and director, Harold Ramis has died at age 69, according to the Chicago Tribune. Ramis is best known for playing Egon Spengler in Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters II, the more rationale character opposite Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd.Ramis died at 12:35 am as a result of complications of autoimmune inflammatory vasculitis, a rare disease that involves swelling of the blood vessels. According to the Tribune, he had been suffering those health issues since 2010.In addition to his role in the two Ghostbuster films, Ramis is also credited for writing Meatballs and Ghostbusters. He also wrote and directed Caddyshack, Animal House, and Groundhog Day. News Harold RamisObituary
‘McFarland, USA’ Interview: Rafael Martinez, Ramiro Rodriguez, Michael Aguero, Coach Jim White Talk Training, Film Counterparts, And Learning Curve February 20, 2015February 20, 2015McFarland, USA is the heartwarming film that chronicles the real life Coach Jim White’s journey from a down-and-out coach to a coach of a high school with multiple state championships under their belt. But the film goes beyond winning and losing, and as White learned, there is a cultural gap… Read More
TV Series Sequel to 2012 Planned November 4, 2009November 4, 2009In what might be the most surpising news I’ve heard about the film to date, Roland Emmerich is developing a TV Series based off his latest film 2012, which is still over a week away from being released. Emmerich is reportedly already in talks with ABC to bring the disaster… Read More
Fans Campaign to Save Chuck By Tweeting to NBC and Advertisers April 24, 2011April 24, 2011When fans realized that their favorite televised series was on the brink of being cancelled, they came to the conclusion that they must flood the network that broadcasted the show with near to infinite amounts of letters persuading them to save the show or extend it for one more season…. Read More