“Transcendence” Quizzes You On Technology Dependance

Transcendence starring Johnny Depp, Morgan Freeman, Paul Bettany

Johnny Depp’s latest is the kind of movie that would seem ripe for viral marketing. Today, Warner Brothers launched a new site for the movie that offers a number of questions related to your technology habits. The quiz isn’t a long one, but it does offer some interesting insights. Hit the jump to find out more.

This new viral site for Transcendence is simply than a number of questions about how you use technology. After going through two full quizzes, each offered six questions, so it’s a short quiz. I have to think that this site intends to expand in the future. A sample question reads like this:

How many hours per day do you talk on a mobile phone?
(A) Under 1 hour a day
(B) 1-2 hours/day
(C) 2-5 hours/day
(D) 5+ hours/day

Given your answers, the quiz offers results that describe your dependence on technology, brain health, body welfare, eye strength, mental mapping and brain vitality. Some of these results are downright ominous, so be warned.

Transcendence stars Johnny Depp, Kate Mara, Paul Bettany, and Morgan Freeman. The movie opens April 17th, 2014.

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