Rooster Teeth’s IndieGoGo Project “Lazer Team” Reaches $1 Million In Record Time Michael Lee, June 9, 2014June 9, 2014 From the people who brought you Red Vs. Blue comes an IndieGoGo campaign most of you have seen already. The very popular YouTube channel Rooster Teeth, which has 5 million followers and up to 2 billion views, started out as a Halo parody between red and blue players, turned to their fans for help funding their first movie called Project Lazer team.The project itself launched on Friday, and needed to reach a goal of $650,000 in a month. Fans have contributed $1 million since then, and there are still 28 days left on the project. With the $650,000 asked going to visual effects, talent and shooting locations, among other needs, the extra funds would be a great incentive for creating a better quality product. Hit the jump to see what kinds of incentives were being offered, and what the producers have to say about the film.Smaller incentives can range from simple thank yous to advanced copies of DVDs/Blu-rays. Also digital production notes and behind the scene looks. Those who funded more will receive incentives such as exclusive t-shirts, signed DVDs/Blu-rays, exclusive mugs, or maybe a combination if you purchase more than just the single items. Bigger incentives includes customized voice mails. VIP passes to RTX 2014 and to the premiere of the movie are already sold out.“The dedication of our community over the last eleven years has been amazing. Their support over the last two days has been absolutely humbling,” said Rooster Teeth Co-Founder and Creative Director Burnie Burns. “Nothing short of awe inspiring. I am so proud to be a part of this group of people, and I look forward to even bigger milestones during the next 28 days of this campaign.”Here’s an official synopsis of the film: Lazer Team synopsis In the late 1970’s, the Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence project received a one time signal from outer space. It looked exactly as theorists thought a communication from an alien civilization would — unfortunately it has never been decoded. Or so we were told. Unbeknownst to the general public the signal was translated and told us two things: 1. We are not alone. 2. The galaxy is a dangerous place. Lazer Team is a live-action, sci-fi comedy that takes place decades later in the aftermath of this event.Don’t forget to head to the Rooster Teeth IndieGoGo campaign to donate to the project. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Viral News Indie GoGoLazer TeamRooster Teeth
ABC’s “Castle” To Get Graphic Novel May 17, 2011Disney’s aquisition of Marvel keeps looking better and better, as yet another crossover will bring fans of the hit ABC show Castle a graphic novel to be published by the comic book company. However, it may not be exactly what you think. Get the details after the break. Read More
Viral Video: Avatar… with Babies February 20, 2010February 21, 2010The beginning of the year is a popular time to make viral videos based off movies. Last winter we saw multitudes of Twilight parodies, and this year we have Avatar. Sketch comedy artists The Midnight Show have made a trailer for a version of Avatars where adults are the aliens… Read More
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