100 Fascinating Things You Need To Know About ‘Big Hero 6;’ Plus New Images Michael Lee, September 3, 2014April 15, 2015 Spoilers 94 – Hiro’s early high school graduation leads him to lead a somewhat aimless life full of illegal back alley bot fighting – don’t worry it’s not as bad as it sounds, think Real Steel on a much smaller scale. So his brother, Tadashi, helps him get his life back on track by enrolling him in San Fransoyko Institute Of Technology (SFT). While Hiro dismisses the idea of taking classes in a “nerd school,” he warms up to the idea after he meets Tadashi’s friends.95 – In hopes of getting enrolled, Hiro has to show off his latest invention to impress the school board at the SFT showcase. Nervous beyond compare, Tadashi calms him down, and tells him that he’s got this. So after a mic feedback mishap, Hiro breezes through his presentation by showing off an unassuming MircoBot. Microbots are tiny chain-like robots when linked together could create anything the user, who controls it with a nerualtransmitter, wishes. The applications for the technology are limitless, and what would normally take a number of people months or years complete, and be done by just one person. Mircobots’ programming allows for construction and transportation. Attendees, including Aunt Cass and Tadashi’s friends, are overly impressed with Hiro’s latest invention.96 – So thanks in part to his brother’s guidance, Hiro is accepted into the school. But that’s when trouble starts to brew when there is a fire at the school, and his brother goes straight into the fire to try to see if he could help, but he never makes it out. Unable to cope with the loss, Hiro secludes himself into the bedroom shared with his brother. Hiro then meet’s Baymax, an invention of his brother’s. Baymax is an inflatable healthcare robot who activates itself at any sign of distress. Since Baymax is also a learning robot, he doesn’t have a filter, but he means well. For example, after he scans Hiro, Baymax tells him that he is going through puberty, and that can expect to grow hair in the face, armpits, and before he can tell him where else, Hiro abruptly cuts him off. Hiro is unable to deactivate Baymax until he says he is satisfied with his care.97 – It was thought that Hiro’s Microbot invention was destroyed in the fire, but when one comes back to his house, Baymax discovers that it is trying to find it’s master. This would lead the two on a quest across San Fransokyo to find where this Microbot wants to go. Both Hiro and Baymax end up at an abandoned warehouse where we learn that a villain Yokai has been mass producing Hiro’s invention, and is now using it for nefarious purposes. The two try to stay hidden long enough to find out what Yokai’s next plan is, but as soon discovered, and nearly killed.98 – Unable to convince the police that a crime has been committed, Hiro and Baymax retreat home. Defeated, Hiro almost gives up, but Baymax’s programming consoles him to improve his health. As a result gives Hiro the drive he needs to find out why Yokai is using his invention. Which also gives him the inspiration to give Baymax a heroic upgrade. And just as we’ve seen in Iron Man, Hiro goes through a course of trial and error when creating Baymax’s super suit. We see him forge armor, to which Baymax is hesitant to wear because “it may undermine” his “nonthreatening” design, to which Hiro retorts, “That’s kinda the idea, buddy.” After this process is complete, Hiro downloads karate skills into Baymax’s programming. The relationship between the two almost mirrors the relationship that John Connor and the Terminator share in Terminator 2: Judgement Day.99 – Hiro then creates super suits for his friends, some of which are ready to answer the call, while others are hesitant, but all of them are there for their friend.100 – Unsatisfied with his Baymax’s first super suit, Hiro then upgrade’s Baymax’s armor, which can be used in conjunction with his own. Baymax is still confused as to how this coincides with his healthcare programming, Baymax learns that Hiro is actually healing “on the inside.” During a test flight, Hiro has a couple of near death experiences, but upon scanning Baymax tells him that the treatment is working. And after their success, Baymax starts to show that he understands expressions and idioms that any other robot would take seriously.Directed by Don Hall and Chris Williams, and produced by Roy Conli, Big Hero 6 features the voice talents of Maya Rudolph, James Cromwell, Damon Wayans Jr., T.J. Miller, Alan Tudyk, Jamie Chung, Genesis Rodriguez, Daniel Henney, with Ryan Potter as Hiro Hamada and Scott Adsit as Baymax. It opens in theaters and 3D on November 7.Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 Features Alan TudykBig Hero 6Chris WilliamsDamon Wayans Jr.Daniel HenneyDon HallGenesis RodriguezJames CromwellJamie ChungMaya RudolphRoy ConliRyan PotterScott AdsitSet VisitT.J. MillerWalt Disney Studios
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