Twitter To Beta Test New Marketing System Based On Movies-Related Tweets


For press members that attend screenings, we normally tweet our reactions to the film we just saw on twitter. Depending on how bit the film is, a director, member of the cast, or even the studio itself might retweet it for more publicity and free marketing. Depending on your opinions of seeing ads on your favorite social media, you may or may not like the idea of seeing more advertisements on Twitter just for tweeting out something about your favorite film like Guardians of the Galaxy.

That’s because Twitter has developed a new system that reads for tweets using certain keywords, and users will see targeted advertisements as a result of those said tweets. Hit the jump to see how this may affect you use Twitter.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Twitter will display ads depending on people who have been tweeting about films like Guardians of the Galaxy. After Twitter scans for these tweets, they will then display ads to those who are also talking about Guardians and those who are tweeting about related keywords such as Groot, Rocket Raccoon, and/or Star-Lord. The studio wouldn’t have to specify those words itself, just the movie title.

Ads will also be targeted towards those movie titles, genres, character names, actors, and more.

Twitter will be unveiling a beta system for films in the coming months. They are actually carrying out a similar system in place for TV.

“Our recent research shows that Twitter is a major influence on movie choice. Not only are people hearing about new movies on Twitter, they are using it to make a decision about what to see, then sharing their experience with friends,” says Jeffrey Graham, Twitter’s global head of research. “The research highlighted just how many different opportunities there are for marketers to connect with this behavior on Twitter.”

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