Watch This: How it Should of Ended’s take on the ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ Teaser Marc Vibbert, October 31, 2014October 31, 2014 By now you’ve seen Marvel’s chilling teaser trailer for Avengers: Age of Ultron (with “There are No Strings on Me” from Disney’s Pinocchio) . So of course the awesome crew over at How It Should Have Ended have taken that and ran with it, and the results are hilarious.Avengers: Age of Ultron opens in U.S. theaters on May 1st, 2015. Viral Marketing DisneyHISHEHow it Should of EndedMarvelMarvel's The AvengersThe Avengers: Age of UltronTrailer
“The Muppets” Are “The Fuzzy Pack” May 26, 2011May 26, 2011Playing off the similar tones of The Hangover Part II trailer, Disney has released a trailer for The Fuzzy Pack. Now if it hasn’t already hit you, this is yet another faux trailer for The Muppets, and while it may not feature any new footage it does show off some… Read More
Infiltrate Encom International With A New Tron Legacy Viral Game March 10, 2010March 10, 2010Have you ever wanted to infiltrate Enocm International? Well, now you can. A new Tron Legacy viral game can help you out – if you’re worthy. The game was found within the most recent update on the FlynnLives discussion forums. It leads us to Arcade Aid, which seems to be… Read More
Hear A Preview Of Trent Reznor And Atticus Ross’ ‘Gone Girl’ Soundtrack September 22, 2014It feels like every time we see a new David Fincher movie, Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross will be the ones who will most likely score it. Not that there is anything wrong if that if you have heard the scores for The Social Network and The Girl With The… Read More