LOST: Fan Made Finale Trailer, Cool Shirts and Posters, Lost Live, and More LOL Captions Dan Koelsch, May 15, 2010May 15, 2010 Everyone is excited for the series finale of ABC’s LOST, which is now just over a week away (the finale is airing on Sunday May 23rd to accommodate its extension to 2 1/2 hours). With that, we a great fan-made series finale trailer recommended by LOST showrunner Damon Lindelof himself, some new shirts and posters from Paul Scheer’s LOST website, and of course more captioned pictures thanks to our partners over at FusedFilm. Check it all out after the break. YouTube user The Black Box has a LOST theme channel, and he seems to exclusively make fan trailers, the majority of which are for LOST. His latest one, for the extended finale, caught the eye of Lindelof, who tweeted about it today. Lindelof also tweeted about an update to DamonCarltonAndAPolarBear.com, the site started by comedian Paul Scheer as a platform for LOST artwork. There are now new t-shirts, artwork, and posters on the website for sale, including the advertisements for ‘Lost’ Live: The Final Celebration, an event held Thursday that featured many of the cast and crew. The event included a orchestra playing music from LOST, conducted by the show’s composer Michael Giacchino. There was also a screening for this week’s episode “What They Died For”. Color me jealous. See a few of the items below. Our friends at FusedFilm have searched the depths of 4Chan yet again to bring us another set of LOST LOL Captions. Here’s my two favorites, but check out their site for lots more, including a few Old Spice parodies. Viral Marketing ABCDamon LindelofFan MadeLOSTPaul Scheer
Comic-Con: True Blood Comic Released July 22, 2010July 22, 2010For those lucky enough to be attending Comic-Con this week, head along to the IDW booth. There you’ll be able to get your hands on 2 limited edition copies of the new True Blood comic book that has been released to compliment the successful HBO TV show. Read More
Surrogates Update September 1, 2009September 1, 2009Checking out ChooseYourSurrogate.com, I noticed that they have an update to the main page. VSI (Virtual Self Industries) is now on Twitter, under @VSILabs. Nothing has been tweeted as of yet, so I am led to believe it’s up too early on the main page and may be take off… Read More
“The Boxtrolls” Interactive Poster Turns You Into LAIKA’s Latest Creatures August 11, 2014August 11, 2014In anticipation for the release of The Boxtrolls, LAIKA has created a new marketing campaign that should get moviegoers more excited for the film. To help promote the film, “the studio has teamed up with ad agency Wieden+Kennedy to create this “magic mirror” standee that uses an X-Box Kinect interface.”… Read More