Watch The First Six “Saw” Films In 6:66 Michael Lee, October 30, 2010 Saw 3D is supposedly the last entry in the famed horror franchise and Screenrant’s Mike Eisenberg has created a video detailing all we need to know about the first six films. In keeping spirit with the Halloween theme Eisenberg has edited the video to run for six minutes and 66 seconds (Which is really 7:06, but that doesn’t have the same ring to it). So, if you are interested in seeing last chapter but have not seen the first six films, then you are in the right place. Watch the video after the jump. If you watched Saw 3D this weekend, let us know what you thought of it in the comments below! Viral News Viral Videos Saw 3DViral video
Ted: Play “Fists of Furry” Game and Listen to Remix of “Thunder Buddies” Song June 21, 2012June 20, 2012The raunchy comedy Ted, about a teddy bear that came to life 27 years ago, opens next weekend in theaters, and Universal has a few online updates to promote the film. There’s an online game where Ted fights other famous talking bears from television and film, as well as a… Read More
Mysterious Company HUVr Annouces “Back To The Future” Hoverboards March 5, 2014March 6, 2014Like many who marvelled at the technology in the Back To The Future trilogy, we were especially interested in the hover boards and self-lacing shoes that Marty sported in those movies. Over the years, the promise of this kind of technology has inspired a number of fakes, and even a… Read More
Total Recall: Personalized Rekall Videos and Comic-Con July 5, 2012July 8, 2012Last month, we told you about, the viral website for this summer’s sci-fi action remake Total Recall. The website is home to Rekall, a company that implants memories so that you can have a vacation without actually going anywhere or wasting any time. Now you can actually see how… Read More