OPHA Launches Simian Flu Viral Website For “Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes” David Weaver, July 22, 2013 At the end of 2011 film Rise of the Planet of the Apes, we were shown a very brief glimpse of the viral outbreak as it reached across the globe. In preparation for the ensuing epidemic that precedes the upcoming sequel, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, 20th Century Fox has launched a new viral website for the fictional Office of Public Health Awareness (OPHA). Find out what you can do to help stop the spread of the Simian Flu after the break.The OPHA has provided a number of helpful tips on best determining who is at risk, what the known symptoms are and even has a global projection of what will happen if the Flu goes unopposed. On top of all the graphs and charts readily available, you can also get updates from the public via their twitter feed and watch the PSA video located below.Make sure to visit the official OPHA website on the Simian Flu virus at Simianflu.com and catch up on all the latest information. Your life just may depend on it.By the way, some of this viral marketing hit Comic-Con this past week, as surgical masks were handed out in the Gaslamp district to protect humans from the Simian Flu. We’ll stay on top of this viral campaign as it develops, and read the prequel comic to find out even more about what happens between the films. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Viral Videos Comic-ConDawn of the Planet of the Apes
“Muppets Most Wanted” Posters Satirize “Skyfall” and “Face/Off”; New Adele Dazeem TV Spot March 8, 2014March 8, 2014Muppets have always had a brand of comedy that is self-aware and very relatible. They are never one to shy away from making fun of themselves or pop culture itself. And in these four new spy mashup posters that are promoting the upcoming Muppets Most Wanted, they are doing just… Read More
New Picture of Wikus from District 9 July 22, 2009Sony Pictures has released a new picture of Wikus (played by Sharlto Copley) from District 9: Initial reactions from the forum seem to be that his ‘weapon’ is an alien spray-type of thing, a flamethrower, or both. Forum member and staff writer Scott points out that the canister on top… Read More
Nike’s “Back to the Future” Shoe Missing Best Feature September 8, 2011Yesterday we told you that Nike would be releasing the iconic Air MAGs from Back to the Future Part II. As predicted, Nike unveiled the shoes today; an exact replica of the shoes worn by Marty McFly in the year 2015, minus one very key feature. These are shaping up… Read More