Viral Video Roundup: “Game of Thrones” Edition Binyamin Wallin, April 6, 2014April 6, 2014 With the upcoming episode of Game of Thrones Season 4 being released later today, it was fitting to specialize this week’s roundup towards the show. As one of the highest rated TV Shows on IMDb (currently at 9.5/10) and as a hugely popular show, the series as a multitude of viral videos devoted to it. Spoilerphobes beware- sensitive information from the past three seasons will be revealed.Hit the jump to journey to Westeros with this week’s videos! First up are the recaps to tell you what you missed, what’s going on, and what to be ready for tonight.The incredibly accurate nine minute recap by The Fine Bros.And the not-so-accurate recap by College Humor (expect a huge comeback from Ed Stark this season)Every single death from the past three seasons (on screen)And the most important facts to know from BuzzfeedNext we have some older Game of Thrones videos, which are still funnyHow the First Season Should Have EndedAnd Medieval Land Fun-Time WorldThen an Honest TrailerAnd three songs: The rapThe theme songAnd the “Wait- what’s going on?” Whether you’re a Lannister, a Stark, a Baratheon, or a Targaryen, we hope you enjoy tonight’s episode, and that none of your favorite characters die.Did we miss any videos?Let us know in the comments below! Features Viral Video Round Up Viral Videos Game of ThronesViral Video Round UpViral Videos
Viral Video: A Brief History of Conspicuous Product Placement in Movies January 12, 2011Product placement has been a staple of American filmmaking since the motion camera was invented. Sometime it’s done with subtlety, while other times it’s blatant (which comical, whether intended or not). Oliver Noble over at Film Drunk gives us a history lesson on product placement in movies, specifically the more… Read More
Viral Video Round Up: Boston Movie, 127 Hours, Robocop, Jimmy Kimmel, Tron Lebowski, and More March 2, 2011The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere inbetween. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Read More
Updates To “Real Steel” Viral Reveal Background, Videos, and Photos of World Robot Boxing March 16, 2011Yesterday we told you about the viral website for Disney’s robot-boxing movie Real Steel. Now the site has been updated to include some viral videos and photos. Get the details after the break. Read More