Everything Wrong With ‘The Amazing Spider-Man 2’ Gets The Honest Trailer Touch And Vice Versa Michael Lee, September 3, 2014September 3, 2014 We know what How It Should Have Ended videos’ MO are, as well as what CinemaSins does with their Everything Wrong With videos, and ScreenJunkies’ Honest Trailers video series being brutally honest. But for their poking holes in the plot videos, we haven’t seen them swap duties until now. And they couldn’t have done it for a better movie that deserves to be ripped the shreds than The Amazing Spider-Man 2. ScreenJunkies did an Everything Wrong With The Amazing Spider-Man 2, while CinemaSins did an Honest Trailer for the same film. But to see the results, you will have to hit the jump.Here’s ScreenJunkies version of Everything Wrong With The Amazing Spider-Man 2.And here’s CinemaSin’s version of Honest Trailers for The Amazing Spider-Man 2.While the two have similar aspects of criticizing said films in a parodying manner, and sometimes they point out the exact same plot holes. But this the first time we are seeing the two switch parodying duties. And it’s fun to see that they, even though they are rivals, are willing to trade spots.So do you agree with ScreenJunkies and CinemaSins’ assessment of the film? News Viral Videos CinemaSinsEverything Wrong With The Amazing Spider-Man 2ScreenJunkiesSony PicturesThe Amazing Spider-Man 2
Two Cast Members Revealed for Super 8 September 17, 2010September 17, 2010While Super 8, the sci-fi film being produced by J.J. Abrams and Steven Spielberg, may be under a cloud of secrecy (like almost all of Abrams’ projects), we are starting to see bits of light shine through. We’ve already been clued in to the shooting location in West Virginia, and… Read More
Ron Perlman Tries To Sell You Kaiju Body Parts in “Pacific Rim” Viral Video July 2, 2013In Warner Bros.’ Pacific Rim, giant sea monsters called Kaiju wreack havoc around the Pacific coast. Jaegars are giant robots designed to stop them, and when they do, there’s a huge carcass just sitting there. So, Hannibal Chau (Ron Perlman) made a business out of harvesting Kaiju body parts and… Read More
Great 7 Minute Video Shows The Cinema of 2009 December 24, 2009March 29, 2011Just in time for the holidays and the end of the year, we have a great user-created video that nicely highlights the films from 2009. Cut together with some solid tunes, this uber-music video is definitely worth a nostalgic look: The video was created by YouTube member Kees van Dijkhuizen,… Read More