Inception Mash-Ups: The Dark Knight, Up, and Toy Story Corey, May 17, 2010 It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of fan-made content. I love seeing what people create out of inspiration from movies, TV or anything that one would consider entertainment. After the jump you can see more fan-made videos that mash up the upcoming Christopher Nolan sci-fi thriller Inception with…
Scariest Thing I Ever Saw: “Super 8” Viral Campaign Launched Corey, May 7, 2010October 18, 2011 A few days ago, it was announced that a new mysterious project from J.J. Abrams called Super 8 was debuting its teaser trailer in front of Marvel Studio’s Iron Man 2. Originally speculated to be a prequel or sequel to 2008’s Cloverfield, the news hit the internet by storm and got…
New Secret J.J. Abrams Trailer Attached to Iron Man 2 – Supposedly for Cloverfield Prequel Corey, May 4, 2010June 15, 2011 Earlier today, it was announced that J.J. Abrams was going to attach a trailer to Marvel Studios’ Iron Man 2. This morning we got word that a new trailer for a currently unknown movie will be shown with Iron Man 2 at its midnight showings across the United States. Iron Man 2…
LOST 6×13 “The Last Recruit” Recap and Review Corey, April 20, 2010May 1, 2010 Tonight’s episode of ABC’s LOST, “The Last Recruit”, is the 13th episode in season 6 of LOST and probably one of the most heart-wrenching. Following last weeks episode “Everybody Loves Hugo” and when the two sides came together at the end of the episode. Read more after the jump.
Iron Man 2 Viral: CordCo Website and Fire Extinguisher Corey, April 16, 2010April 16, 2010 Iron Man 2 kicks off May 7th and over the past month Paramount released a small viral campaign for the film. Stark Industries has released a website for their world famous event Stark Expo, which hasn’t happened since 1974. Over the past few weeks, Stark Industries has opened up various…