ViralCast #16: District 9! Nick Butler, August 17, 2009August 17, 2009 This week on ViralCast, Dan, Ian and I discuss and review District 9. We talk about the viral campaign, a sequel and so much more! Make sure you check out the Official Forum. (District 9 Spoilers) Subscribe to the podcast on
Site News Editorial: What happens after District 9? Nick Butler, August 12, 2009September 23, 2024 With the upcoming release of District 9, many of you may be asking what will happen next, in terms of viral marketing. There’s no question that the District 9 viral campaign has been the biggest campaign we’ve followed in 2009, but it needs to be stressed that with the release…
MovieViral Partners With Nick Butler, August 11, 2009August 12, 2009 To help bring the best news to all the MovieViral readers, has partnered with one of the best websites for the most up-to-date movie news, The partnership consists of both sites providing the other with a weekly article. Fused Film will deliver the most interesting movie news to…
ViralCast #15: G.I. Joe Review and District 9 Preview Nick Butler, August 10, 2009August 17, 2009 This week on ViralCast, Matt, Scott and I discuss and review GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra (spoilers included). Then we chat District 9 and what it means, as well as it’s possible impact. Make sure you check out the Official Forum. Direct link:
New Viral Pages: Iron Man 2 & Tron Legacy Dan Koelsch, July 31, 2009August 1, 2009 After a big Comic-Con weekend, we have added to the site two new pages for recent viral campaigns that started with the convention: Iron Man 2 and Tron Legacy. Be sure to check their pages out for the latest news and websites associated with their viral campaigns. As always, if…