Well, that didn’t take long. Today (last night?) we had the midnight showings for Paramount and Marvel’s Iron Man 2, and unless you saw it in IMAX (i.e. me), then you saw the teaser trailer for the J.J. Abrams-produced Super 8 (also from Paramount). If you didn’t see it, you’re…
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Current events and news
It’s Official: J.J. Abrams’ Super 8 is About Area 51, Will Team Up With Steven Spielberg
Despite a comment on our forums, I really didn’t see this coming. Some theaters had exclusive showings of Iron Man 2 for their employees and select people tonight at midnight, and the Super 8 teaser trailer was shown as well. After we confirmed that the secret film being produced by…
Update: J.J. Abrams’ Super 8 Is Not Related to Cloverfield
Yesterday we reported that a secret teaser trailer would premiere before Iron Man 2 this weekend. There are very few details on the J.J. Abrams-produced movie, currently titled Super 8, but we know that the trailer itself is being directed by Abrams. There was speculation, and even a timid confirmation,…
New Secret J.J. Abrams Trailer Attached to Iron Man 2 – Supposedly for Cloverfield Prequel
Earlier today, it was announced that J.J. Abrams was going to attach a trailer to Marvel Studios’ Iron Man 2. This morning we got word that a new trailer for a currently unknown movie will be shown with Iron Man 2 at its midnight showings across the United States. Iron Man 2…
Iron Man 2 Already Earns $100 Million Worldwide Before Even Opening In America
There’s still 5 days to go until Marvel’s Iron Man 2 opens here in the United States, but it has already crossed the $100 million mark after its opening weekend in 53 locations around the world. Get the full details after the break.