Trailers Weekly: Piranha 3D, Buried, Jonah Hex, Toy Story 3 and More Dan Koelsch, May 1, 2010September 3, 2010 Trailers Weekly is a feature in which we bring you the most popular and talked about trailers of the week. Sharing trailers is a classic viral practice, and trailers are still the most mainstream way for people to learn about movies. This week we have the first trailers for Piranha…
How Iron Man Should Have Ended And Thor Begins Kris, April 30, 2010July 4, 2010 Just in time for the Iron Man 2 American premiere, the “How It Should Have Ended” series has shown us a proper ending to the first Iron Man movie. Not only that, but the leaked after-credits scene for Iron Man 2 paves the way for another much anticipated Marvel movie….
Iron Man 2 Round Up: News, Interviews, Art, and Much More! Kris, April 26, 2010April 26, 2010 There has been a lot fresh Iron Man 2 material out there ranging from interviews to TV spots lately. If you’re into the latest news on Iron Man 2, which is premiering tonight in Hollywood, prepare yourself before the jump.
News The Boondock Saints Media Blitz Scott Caldwell, April 23, 2010February 2, 2025 As we’ve covered in the past, The Boondock Saints films have been a success based on their fans, and in addition to that, having their fans spread the love and show their appreciation. And, time and time again, the fan is repaid. Whether it be a special screening, a special…
Iron Man 2 Tidbits: Viral Video Could Become Trailer, Rochester Castle Projection, & Augmented Reality App Dan Koelsch, April 23, 2010April 23, 2010 As we get closer to May 7th, we’re going to see a lot more images, clips, and other news regarding Iron Man 2. This week has seen some viral-ish tidbits, including a viral video that director Jon Favreau really liked, an AC/DC and Iron Man 2 video projected on a…