Call Jonah Hill and He Just Might Babysit for You Michael Lee, September 8, 2011September 8, 2011 It’s hard to find a sitter now-a-days. You got to screen everyone just to be sure that you will see your kid when you come home. So why not trust Jonah Hill. Sure he may have some questionable babysitting methods, but don’t let that deter you, why not call him…
Nike Finally Takes Us “Back to the Future” Caleb Hamilton, September 7, 2011 Remember those cool, self-lacing shoes Marty McFly wore in Robert Zemeckis’ 1989 follow up to Back to the Future? At the time, they were purely product placement and special effects, but fanboys and girls everywhere have been wanting to own a pair for 22 years. Nike never had plans to… Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Viral Marketing or Just an Early Look? Michael Lee, September 6, 2011September 9, 2011 As ominously silent as the snow covered entrance to the mansion is in David Fincher’s The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is, the marketing is mute. We haven’t seen or heard too much from the film outside the suspected leaked red band trailer, the official trailer, and the teaser site…
Viral Video Round Up: Toy Story, Guy Ritchie, Captain Planet, Aziz Ansari, Dark Knight Rises, And More! Zach Oldenburg, September 5, 2011September 5, 2011 The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break.Pages: 1 2
Did A ‘Contagion’ Viral Quit Before It Started? Scott Caldwell, August 31, 2011August 31, 2011 Over at Bloody-Disgusting, they have posted a large group of hi-def photos for the upcoming “viral” flick, Contagion. Of particular note, one of said pictures has what very well could have been a viral campaign in the making, but with the film coming out next week, why did we see…