Comic-Con Has a “Paranormal Activity” Viral Michael Lee, July 22, 2011July 22, 2011 While Dan is on the Comic-Con front lines, battling every Storm Trooper, Superman, and fantasy geek and taking home Slave Leias as his prize, I am here giving out all the help that I can for news that is happening outside sunny San Diego. For instance, a small viral campaign…
“The Avengers” Official Site Updated; Teaser Poster Revealed! Caleb Hamilton, July 21, 2011July 21, 2011 This year, Marvel Studios won’t be presenting their crown jewel, The Avengers, to rabid fans at the San Diego Comic-Con. But fans of The Avengers won’t have to wait long, as a clip is playing after the credits of Captain America: The First Avenger. Before that first look, Marvel has…
Early Signs Of Viral At 2011 Comic-Con Scott Caldwell, July 20, 2011April 25, 2013 With Comic-Con 2011, literally, just underway, and it’s only preview night, signs of viral marketing are already rearing their pretty heads. With the likes of viral past, including The Dark Knight, Tron Legacy, and District 9, we can now welcome the films of Elysium, and a possible start of The…
Must See First Trailer For “The Amazing Spider-Man” Caleb Hamilton, July 20, 2011 We’ve been hit with a barrage of bootleg trailers for some of next year’s most anticipated releases, like Marvel Studios’ The Avengers. But only a couple have been released online including Warner Bros.’ The Dark Knight Rises and now Sony’s reboot of the Spider-Man franchise, The Amazing Spider-Man! We have…
Movie Review: “Friends With Benefits” Dan Koelsch, July 18, 2011 This year there are two studio films about friends who decide to get it on without complications. Both are romantic comedies about how the leads fall in love but fight it. Both star one actor from That 70s Show and one who has done Saturday Night Live musical parodies. So,…