“The Dark Knight Rises” Review: A Legendary Ending to One of the Greatest Stories Ever Told Caleb Hamilton, July 20, 2012July 20, 2012 In 2008, many people thought that Christopher Nolan had made the ultimate Batman movie. They thought that if he were to come back and do another, it wouldn’t be able to top The Dark Knight. What I’ve come to realize about this trilogy is, you can’t look at each film…
‘The Dark Knight Rises’ Review: Does The Final Entry Buckle Under Its High Expectations? Zach Oldenburg, July 19, 2012July 19, 2012 In 2005, Director Christopher Nolan took his stab at the all-holy Batman mythos and came out on top, delivering “Batman Begins”, the most heartfelt, real portrayal of the character to date. Three years later, he literally revolutionized the game by releasing the critically acclaimed “The Dark Knight”, which put the…
“The Amazing Spider-Man” Review: Andrew Garfield Adds Charm And Quips To An Unchanged Story Michael Lee, July 2, 2012October 29, 2012 Reestablishing the origins story of the superhero is inevitable, and sometimes its necessary. For one thing it gives us a fresh new look at the character who will become the hero we need. And at times, the origins story can come too soon, way too soon. Which is what’s happening…
“Ted” Review: Seth MacFarlane’s Flithy Sense Of Humor Has Charm Michael Lee, June 28, 2012October 29, 2012 Don’t go into Ted thinking that this was suppose to be a Family Guy movie. Because its not, well at least not completely. Sure there are some slight nods to the popular animated series, but Seth MacFarlane’s directorial debut is hilarious, full of debauchery, and heart. Hit the jump to…
“People Like Us” Review: Strong Performances Carry The Weight Of Soap Opera Drama Michael Lee, June 28, 2012June 28, 2012 Family is the one thing you can turn to when times are tough. But when you are estranged from your family, asking for help or turning to them in their time of need can be difficult. There’s even more pressure when your deceased father assigns you a task that requires…