“Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1” Review Dan Koelsch, November 18, 2010October 18, 2011 I have to admit, I’m not the best at keeping up with the Harry Potter phenomenon. I haven’t read any of the books, and I have only seen the first five out of the six films that came before the two part ending that is Deathly Hallows. Would that hinder…
‘Tangled’ Review: Disney Goes Back To Basics Dan Koelsch, November 15, 2010October 18, 2011 Tangled is Disney’s take on the classic German fairy tale of Rapunzel, and like most Disney adaptations, it skews far from the original story. The question you’re all really asking, though, is does Tangled harken back to the days of Disney classics like Aladdin and The Lion King, or is…
Skyline Review: Are Special Effects Enough To Make A Movie? Dan Koelsch, November 13, 2010 The alien invasion thriller Skyline opened up this weekend, and the question on everyone’s mind was if special effects can replace big names, set pieces, and budget to make a convincing sci-fi film. Skyline definitely answers the question, though you may be surprised by the answer. Get the full review…
Electrifying The Boys and Girls: A Detailed Report on Tron Night! Steve, October 29, 2010 Just returned from my local Tron Night screening, and I must say, I think Disney’s done a great job getting people geared up for Tron Legacy so far! But before I get into why I think Disney’s got a hit on their hands, I’ll explain in great detail what I…
Monsters Review: Where Are The Monsters? Kris, September 27, 2010 Monsters, written and directed by Gareth Edwards, is a film that has a lot of hype to live up for. Many have claimed that it is the most original film of the year and that it has rising suspense supported by impressive special effects from such a low budget. Are…