‘The Signal’ Viral Marketing Campaign Gets Personal Michael Lee, May 27, 2014May 27, 2014 Trying to figure out The Signal viral marketing campaign is an effort in futility. We don’t know much about the film itself, considering it is being marketing that way. Focus Features is really playing on the mystery themes of the sci-fi thriller by marketing through the RUAGITATED viral site, and…
Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N. Brings The Marvel Cinematic Universe To Times Square Michael Lee, May 27, 2014May 26, 2014 With the success of the Iron Man 3‘s Iron Man Tech Presented by Stark Industries, Thor: The Dark World‘s Treasures of Asgard, and Captain America: The Winter Soldier‘s Captain America: The Living Legend And Symbol Of Courage, Disney and Marvel have launched new exhibits to bring the Marvel experience closer…
“Transformers: Age Of Extinction” Viral Marketing Wants To ‘Keep Earth Human’ Michael Lee, May 22, 2014May 22, 2014 Following the explosive second trailer for Michael Bay’s Transformers: Age Of Extinction, Paramount Pictures has unveiled their latest push for the Transformers Are Dangerous viral marketing campaign. The first aspects of the Transformers Are Dangerous viral marketing campaign was actually revealed in the first trailer back in March, when a…
Contests J.J. Abrams Gives You A Chance To Be In Star Wars: Episode VII Christopher Moore, May 21, 2014July 18, 2014 With production already started on the next entry in the Star Wars universe, J. J. Abrams has announced a way that one lucky fan could have a part in Episode VII. After the break, find out how to get your name in the running to play a character in a galaxy far, far away and how…
“A Million Ways To Die In The West” 8-Bit Game Is Out To Kill You Michael Lee, May 20, 2014May 20, 2014 Seth MacFarlane‘s A Million Ways To Die In The West is a comedy of epic proportions, and to help promote the new film, Universal Pictures and Adult Swim have teamed up and released the brand new (and very humble) 8-Bit game Trail To The Old Stump. Old school gamers fond…