“Noah” Offers A Look Inside The Ark Kevin C, March 18, 2014 For the upcoming movie Noah, it’s biggest challenge may be helping us get a feel for the size and scale of arguably its most important character, The Ark. We’ll need to understand the geography, why it was built, how it was designed and how this might fit into the world…
“Veronica Mars Movie” Viral Review Michael Lee, March 17, 2014March 16, 2014 The Veronica Mars Movie isn’t just any ordinary TV series that made the jump to a full length feature film. It is a film that is entirely funded by unpaid viral marketing fans, thanks in part to a KickStarter campaign launched by show creator Rob Thomas and series star Kristen…
“Under The Skin” Viral Marketing Gets Steamier By Using Sexy Scarlett Johansson Craigslist Ads Michael Lee, March 16, 2014March 15, 2014 The viral marketing for the new Under The Skin, starring Scarlett Johansson, is getting a bit more sexy as it progresses. When we last reported on the Under The Skin viral marketing campaign, the A24 marketing team launched a website asking a very touchy question: when was the last time…
“Veronica Mars” Film Funded By Kickstarter Opens In Theaters Today Michael Lee, March 14, 2014 The first fully funded major motion picture project funded by Kickstarter opens in theaters today. The Veronica Mars movie has the internet to thank for that, for without they generous funds, they would not be here. It’s success on Kickstarter instantly went viral. The fact that they were able to…
Viral Marketing Yoda Interviewed By ESPN Anchor For Star Wars Character Tournament Christopher Moore, March 14, 2014 StarWars.com is running its This is Madness: Star Wars Character Tournament again this year. Last year Yoda beat out Darth Vader by 60% of the vote to become tournament champion. Will he be triumphant again in 2014? ESPN’s Max Kellerman interviews Yoda to get his insight on this year’s playing…