District 9 Viral – Too Little, Too Late? Ian DeVere, April 26, 2009March 27, 2010 Sony Picture’s District 9 is set to hit theaters on August 14th this year. That’s one week after GI Joe and one week before Inglorious Basterds. Some of you may have noticed the viral picking up a little amount of steam in the past few weeks, but is it too…
Cleverfield Winner Dan Koelsch, April 21, 2009March 27, 2010 Congratulations to Matt from our forum for winning our Cleverfield contest! Matt will be receiving a copy of Hancock on Blu-Ray. Read his entry after the jump.
This Week In Viral – New Forum Edition Dan Koelsch, April 19, 2009March 27, 2010 With our forum going through a transition phase during our upgrade, getting all the viral info is a bit complicated, so here’s just a brief review of some updates this week.
ViralCast #7: Summer Movie Preview Members Strike Back Dan Koelsch, April 18, 2009March 27, 2010 In our latest ViralCast, two of our forum members give their two cents about the upcoming Summer movie schedule. Check it out after the break.
Contest Reminder – ONLY 4 DAYS LEFT! Dan Koelsch, April 16, 2009March 23, 2010 Want to win a copy of ‘Hancock’ on Blu-Ray? You’ll have to be clever, and there’s only 4 days left. Read the rules after the break.