ViralCast #11: Transformers 2, District 9, Recent Deaths and More! Dan Koelsch, June 30, 2009July 22, 2009 In our latest ViralCast, the staff reviews Transformers 2 (the viral and the movie), and discusses viral news and the recent death of some of our most beloved celebrities. LISTEN HERE: Subscribe to ViralCast on Viral Updates – Videos and Target Dan Koelsch, June 29, 2009June 30, 2009 has two new interview videos up with more of the local human population in District 9. Just click on the two yellow dots on the map to access the video. One begins with the title card “DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THE WAY NON-HUMANS COMMUNICATE”. In it, three…
District 9 is rated ‘R’ by the MPAA David, June 24, 2009June 25, 2009 Rope of Silicon has posted an update of various ratings of upcoming films, one of them is District 9. Here’s the description of why District 9 is rated R: Rated R For bloody violence and pervasive language. Interesting. It may seem those rumors of this film being grittier are coming…
New District 9 Videos on YouTube Dan Koelsch, June 24, 2009July 3, 2009 So, I’m surfing YouTube at 1:00 AM and I notice that Sony Pictures has an MNU video on their YouTube page. Then I go to their page and realize there are actually three new District 9 videos in the last 24 hours. Here are all three videos: The first video…
Big District 9 Rumors Dan Koelsch, June 23, 2009June 23, 2009 An anonymous source gave us some big rumors about District 9. I want to stress two things. First, the original source is unverified, while our intermediate source is reliable. That being said, this could all be bullshit, so take it with a grain of salt. However, it’s interesting and plausible…