“They’re Here,” and They Have Been For a While Nick Butler, October 9, 2010 The countdown for “They’re Here” ended tonight and the wait is finally over. So, what was it; An independent film about aliens invading earth? A cool promotion for an upcoming Hollywood blockbuster? Nope. It was something even better. Find out and watch the movie after the break.
Facebook and Discovery Have Literally Gone “Viral” Scott Caldwell, July 20, 2010July 20, 2010 Look out Farmville! You are about to have your ass kicked by something so much more real than housing a turtle, or finding gold in your corn field. Granted, I have no idea what you do in Farmville, because I block that stupid thing, but what I do know is,…
The Attraction of a Good Viral Campaign Anthony, January 24, 2010January 24, 2010 The allure of viral marketing, its enough to make people walk miles to find a fake arcade, or dress up like a clown in public. But what is it exactly that draws us to follow something that in the long run is nothing more than a farce?